Different Trains Today's Haiku of the day is inspired by Steve Reich's piece "Different Trains" (played by the Kronos Quartet).
Rijeka, Fiume The Daily Haiku for Jan 9 is devoted to Rijeka. Rijeka is a beautiful, relaxing Mediterranean city with amazing sunsets.
Growing Old The Daily Haiku for Jan 8. Growing Old. A reflection about time, age, and not agreeing what I suppose I should be doing, thinking, or doing.
Sofia I spent most of the pandemic in Sofia. It was one of the most precious, beautiful periods of my life. And I miss it so much.
Stars Today's my birthday, and reflecting on the insignificance of my life in the scheme of things brought some inspiration for the daily Haiku.
Escaping from thoughts Sometimes meditation or mindfulness is not enough to free your mind from thoughts that clatter it, so you have no choice but physically escaping the oppressive room in the hopes of finding solace outside.
Lilacs & Roses The inspiration from this Haiku comes from the death of a loved one. The graveyard where his remains lie was full of roses and lilacs when I was a kid. But I can't almost remember anything else now.