Blogger Recognition Award

Hi there! It seems “Micropreneur Life” has been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award!
I would like to thank Helene from the HC Lifestyle Blog for nominating me. If you don’t know her already, make sure to visit her blog.
She is a young but passionate blogger and talks about food, lifestyle, travels, health… what inspires me most of her writing is that she manages to build a coherent, comprehensive content talking about all those different topics. Simply amazing.
Now, let’s talk about the rules:
The Rules
This nomination comes with a number of rules that you have to follow, so let’s get straight into it!
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
- Write a post to show your award
Right here. - Give a brief story of how your blog started
- Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
- Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to
- Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.
I actually thanked Helene for the nomination above, so number 1 is already done. Number 2 is also completed thanks to this post you are reading, so let’s dive right into the challenging stuff…
A Brief Story Of Micropreneur Life
The story of this blog starts in a train, concretely the train from Cartagena to Madrid.
Cartagena is my home town. That’s where I grew up. My family lives pretty close, and I was going back home from a short vacation period with them.
Rise and Fall
A lot was going on in my mind by then. After becoming tired of trading my life for money as a freelance developer, I got into the startup scene, almost by chance, and immersed myself into a frantic, very intense period of non-stop work.
Unfortunately, that project didn’t work, and soon I realized the startup game was not for me.
I never believed in the “Think big, grow fast” philosophy.
It may sound cliché, but I want to create something that’s really useful, something that has a positive impact on people’s lives. I don’t want to build hype around a yet-another-new social network that actually solves no real problem just to be bought by a VC or business angel.
If that’s your path, I profoundly respect you, but it’s not for me.
Start small, stay small
As probably most entrepreneurs, I consume lots of books, especially about entrepreneurship and online businesses. One day, I stumbled upon this book by Rob Walling, “Start Small, Stay Small“. I immediately felt like it was written specifically for me.
During my short vacation period, I read the book in just two days. By the time I had finished it, I knew that I was going to pursue that minimalist path.
There are lots of blogs out there from bloggers and entrepreneurs telling their story… once they’ve made it.
I decided I wanted to share my story in the most transparent, honest way possible. From the very beginning, absolutely from scratch. All my success stories -if any- and, more importantly, all my failures.
That’s how and why, during that 6-hours trip back to Madrid, I created this blog.
Two Pieces Of Advice For New Bloggers
I’ve been a blogger for years. If I had to give two pieces of advice for new bloggers, probably based on my experience writing for Digital Leaves, they would be the following:
Focus in giving value to your audience
Some people start a blog for the wrong reasons. They want to talk about their stuff, show the rest of the world how much they know about some topic, or make money (?).
The truth is, the rest of the world just don’t care about you. We are all busy enough with our lives and our problems.
Blogging is not about you. It’s all about providing value to the people. It’s all about finding your audience and serving them by giving them something they can’t find elsewhere.
Thus, forget about you, and think about what you can offer that nobody else can.
Maybe there’s someone else writing about the topic you want to focus on, but you can give it your unique perspective, or add a different point of view based on your experiences…
Whatever it is that you write about, make sure to have always your audience in mind when blogging. You are writing for them, not for you.
Be consistent, Be persistent
Being a blogger is not an overnight success. Think of it as a marathon rather than as a sprint.
You need to grow an audience by posting interesting content on a regular basis. In order to succeed, my advice is this: be consistent, and get used to publishing regularly on your blog.
The frequency will depend a lot on your target audience and the topic of your blog, but it’s always better to deliver more quality content less often than to deliver poor content very frequently.
Thus, don’t rush. Keep on posting, be persistent, and deliver quality content that provides value to your readers. Eventually, your blog will start to grow organically, and you will acquire a loyal fan base that will come back to your blog for more.
15 Nominations
To be honest, that’s going to be the most difficult part for me. I read lots of awesome blogs, so I wouldn’t be able to make a selection easily.
As a result, I will leave this section empty for the moment and will be filling it with some of those awesome blogs later.
In Conclusion
I would like to thank Helene again for nominating “Micropreneur Life” for the Blogger Recognition Award. It’s certainly exciting.
Looking forward to seeing you all on the red carpet… where’s my camera again?
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