A walk through the park

Diary of a digital nomad trapped by the coronavirus pandemic in Sofia, Bulgaria. 17th of March.
Today it was a dull, busy day. Fortunately, the activity of the business has continued, or even increased. As a purely digital business, we are the last in the chain, so to speak, so it will take us some time to suffer the consequences.
I had some talks with the team today. Some of them are scared. Well, I think all of us are scared one way or another. Fortunately, as a purely remote team, we can work from home, so at least it is good to know the business can continue its operations normally.
And I didn’t lie to them. I am realistic, but also optimistic. I know all businesses will suffer as a result of this crisis, but we are in a good position to survive and come up stronger. I have a great team and I am proud especially of Irina and Esther, they are doing an amazing job.
In the afternoon, my head was about to explode, so we decided to take a walk in the park nearby. Here, all non-essential businesses are closed (gyms, restaurants, bars, cafes, malls, etc), but we still have freedom of movement, so nothing prevents you from going to the park.
People seemed a lot more conscious today. Most of them wore face masks and kept the security distance.
We found some benches and stayed there under the afternoon sun for a while. The fresh air and warm sunlight just felt so good. I really needed it.
We headed back home and we worked some more until 7 pm, when we had our 30 minutes “Apocalypse meeting”, as we call it now.
It’s been an exhausting day. A lot of work, a lot of trouble, and a lot of people worried. Let’s hope tomorrow will be brighter.
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