Don't Burn The Candle At Both Ends

The Daily Stoic for December 25th, “Don’t Burn The Candle At Both Ends”.
“The mind must be given relaxation—it will rise improved and sharper after a good break. Just as rich fields must not be forced—for they will quickly lose their fertility if never given a break—so constant work on the anvil will fracture the force of the mind. But it regains its powers if it is set free and relaxed for a while. Constant work gives rise to a certain kind of dullness and feebleness in the rational soul. —SENECA, ON TRANQUILITY OF MIND, 17.5”
It’s surprising to read such words written by Seneca centuries ago. We tend to think as stress as the illness of our time.
Don’t Burn The Candle At Both Ends
However, the words from Seneca are indeed quite modern and current. And today’s stoic certainly resonates with me. I learned what stress can do to you first hand when I found myself in a hospital in Riga with a severe infection.
Back then, I was told that stress was one of the main causes behind my episode. I took this advice seriously and took a series of steps to fix the source of my stress, hiring somebody to help me with some of the tasks that were overwhelming me.
All entrepreneurs are subject to stress. It’s part of our lives, but I have written before how this is especially relevant for us, micropreneurs and solopreneurs, as our businesses usually lie mostly on our shoulders.
So I will join my voice to Seneca’s. Listen to his advice. Don’t burn the candle at both ends. Have some rest, take care of your health, relax, and enjoy some free time now and then.
Today’s Daily Stoic, “Don’t Burn The Candle At Both Ends”, echoes a passage from Seneca discussing how we need to find some time to relax, enjoy some free time and let our mind rest. Surprisingly modern advice coming from somebody who lived in ancient greek times.
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