
Today's my birthday, and reflecting on the insignificance of my life in the scheme of things brought some inspiration for the daily Haiku.


The Daily Haiku, Jan 6. Stars.

Stars, beacons of hope
Shine bright long after I'm gone,
Glow against the dark

Today's my birthday, and reflecting on the insignificance of my life in the scheme of things brought some inspiration for the daily Haiku.

Looking up, I saw the stars, and remembered that the light I am seeing is thousands of years old. Many of those stars don't even exist anymore, so I am just seeing a polaroid picture, an ephemerous instant of the past. And a unique one, as the stars will never be exactly like I am seeing them now anymore.

Still, the stars will keep on shining long after I am gone, provoking thoughts and inspiring others. And that is a comforting thought.