When I Get Older
Today's Daily Haiku is inspired on how getting older affects you when you still think of yourself as a young person.

The Daily Haiku for March 24. When I get older.
Will I wait for death,
sat in front of a TV
When I get older?
These days the internet connection at home sucked, so I had been working from the library and couldn't publish the Daily Haiku for some days. I had to write them down and today, finally, I was able to publish them since Tuesday.
When I get older, losing my head, many years from now... That song from the Beatles, even humorously, became one of their first songs to deal with "serious" topics, such as age and death. The whole Sgt. Pepper's album is much more profound that its pop effervescence may make you believe.
I am in a weird position. Being in my early 40s, it seems like time starts to slow down. And my whole organism rejects that idea. I have so much to do. So many places to travel to, see, and explore. People, traditions, and cultures to discover. Music to create. Books to write. Things to do. I don't feel I am old.
And I know you can't always be doing stuff. Sometimes it's just great (and necessary) to simply sit down and do nothing. Read a book, watch an old movie, or just lie down. But I am scared to end up like my parents, glued to a TV screen without any adventure or excitement.
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