No One Said It'd Be Easy

The Daily Stoic for July 5th. “No One Said It’d Be Easy”.
“Good people will do what they find honorable to do, even if it requires hard work; they’ll do it even if it causes them injury; they’ll do it even if it will bring danger. Again, they won’t do what they find base, even if it brings wealth, pleasure, or power. Nothing will deter them from what is honorable, and nothing will lure them into what is base.”
Entrepreneurship is hard. I have talked about it countless times. I think it’s necessary in order to counteract the myriads of gurus out there selling you the idea that it’s just a matter of quitting your job, coming up with a good idea and… Puff! you become a wealthy entrepreneur.
When I started freelancing, after I quit my job, I received many estimate requests for mobile apps. While some of them came from serious entrepreneurs, startups or companies, most of them were requested by individuals. I vividly remembered one of them who explained to me how he intended to sell his motorbike in order to pay me for the development.
I advised him not to do it. Even though I would have made some money. So he sells his motorbike, his most precious possession, pays me to develop an app… and then what? The problem is that most people back then -and still today, to certain exempt- think they can get rich overnight just by publishing an app. Thinks don’t work that way.
No One Said It’d Be Easy
Similarly, succeeding as a micropreneur does not happen overnight. It’s not a bed of roses. You have to work your ass off, and you have to adapt yourself to a completely different world… every other month.
The media is obsessed with success stories that only show the photo finish. However, that’s only the end of a road full of obstacles, and it puts your endurance and patience to the full test.
Is it worth it?
I absolutely think so. But you need to be aware what’s in front of you. No one said it’d be easy and, if they do, don’t believe them.
In today’s Daily Stoic, “No One Said It’d Be Easy”, I expand on the idea that being a micropreneur or solopreneur is not easy. It’s a difficult road, full of obstacles… and worth every second of it.
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